True Ending Guide
True Ending Guide
अपडेट किया गया 1 year ago से fieryashes

True Ending Guide

(Unicorn or Stony doesn't effect ending)

There are 16 glitter/sparkle locations in total!

It's super easy, just glitter all these locations as you find them. Though some of them you do have to interact with first and some you don't.

  1. Open the fridge in the kitchen then glitter the dead bunnies
  2. Soup on the stove in the kitchen a quick note if you open the fridge and inspect the soup then you can glitter both at the same time
  3. Glitter Mom to make her the Juice Queen you don't need to inspect her first
  4. Once outside, glitter dad's car you don't need to interact first here either
  5. Once across the street, glitter the dead bird you don't need to interact first here either
  6. The puppy you can glitter no matter what you choose! If you play with the puppy, glitter it as soon as that sequence is over -OR- if you set the puppy free, glitter the beach after the puppy is taken away from you (you should see the sparkles above the trash on the beach)
  7. George the Pinata when you're done talking at him 👀
  8. The box in Mr. Bubble's grave after the sequence ends
  9. In front of the storefront where the man drops his wallet, you interact with the door to hear the story about when the security confused her for a raccoon then you can glitter the door to the store you need to interact first here
  10. The fountain at the zoo where Misfortune learns about puberty when the puberty talk ends walk closer to glitter
  11. The Phantasmagoria sign with the ghost and clown you don't need to interact first here either
  12. The giant pop-up fox after Mr. Voice scares Misfortune once they finish talking
  13. The Itward(/skeleton) and ghost decor around the vending machine for ticket prizes (where you get your coin for the boat) you don't need to interact first here either
  14. The bear/Morgo trap next to the 3rd Runestone you don't need to interact first here either
  15. The VCR after the tape breaks in Benjamin's house you need to interact first here
  16. Benjamin's satchel on the path in the woods you don't need to interact first here either

Hopefully that's enough information to help people find them all and know whether or not they need to engage with them to sparkle ✨

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