Should we allow the ToyPad Emulator?
2 years ago
Merseyside, England

There's a ToyPad emulator that runs on the Raspberry Pi 4(B) as well as the Zero (2) W and can be used on real console (Doubt it works on xbox tho) link is it even works in a VM if you're using Cemu or RPCS3 One note tho - the Wii U's USB ports don't give much power so if you want to use this on a real Wii U, better be using a Zero (2) W cus the 4B can't be powered from the Wii U in my testing EDIT: By the way, you can use a 4B with a PS4. I don't have a copy of the game on PS4 but I'm able to SSH into my Pi when it's plugged into my PS4 Pro

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
Tennessee, USA

We banned emu a long time ago due to unfair advantages in load times as well as what Rift said above with the hand movements. I think the emu is great for strat hunting, but your actual runs need to be on a console because it is much easier access in addition to the reasons above. Thanks for the question!

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