Stage 2 Guide (NG+ I REPEAT, NG+)
Stage 2 Guide (NG+ I REPEAT, NG+)
अपडेट किया गया 2 years ago से SomeGuyNamedDan

Hello! Welcome to the NG+ stage 2 guide!

Step 1: By the time you get here, you'll have either 0,1, or 2 bodies depending on how many bodies you started with (starting with 3 is 0, starting with 4 can be 1, starting with 5 can be 2). If you have anything more than 0 bodies, do NOT restart at the beginning of the level. If you have 0, respawn at least once to collect a body, or more if you don't want to respawn later. Step 2: 0 Bodies - Respawn to get bodies, then follow the 1+ body section. 1+ Bodies - Cube jump in between the guns shooting bullets, then back up until you hit the button. Once you hit this button shoot a cube underneath you, and jump to the nearby platform. Once on this platform, jump over the bullets and into the next area. Step 3: Now, Cube jump over this entire section, and hit the checkpoint by the elevator, collect bodies here if needed. Shoot a body at the button to the right of the elevator, then walk off and shoot a body at the button underneath. Walk into the elevator, and once you get to the two guns shooting bullets on the far sides, turn around and bounce up with a spring. End of Stage 2

    • These rely on you picking the spring you bounce off of up. 5 bodies will always guarantee you at least 1 going into stage 2.

** - If you feel confident enough, shoot the button to your right while you are walking off to save time.

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