I cut it when I swallowed the pills, but in the stream I waited until the countdown finished. Last time I uploaded it was when I ate the pills so thats what im doing this time.
टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया Splits.io
# | नाम | स्प्लिट | समाप्त हुआ |
1 | Darlington Station | 0m 54s 598ms | 0m 54s 598ms |
2 | Soviet Consolate | 1m 56s 226ms | 2m 50s 824ms |
3 | Ikayaki Alley | 1m 29s 178ms | 4m 20s 003ms |
4 | Kai Tak Resort | 2m 54s 125ms | 7m 14s 128ms |
5 | Kai Tak Night | 1m 47s 598ms | 9m 01s 727ms |
6 | Wetworks | 1m 08s 250ms | 10m 09s 978ms |
7 | Darlington Station गोल्ड | 0m 44s 967ms | 10m 54s 945ms |
8 | Bachelor Pad गोल्ड | 6m 57s 842ms | 17m 52s 788ms |
9 | Credits गोल्ड | 1m 04s 281ms | 18m 57s 070ms |
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