टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया Splits.io
# | नाम | स्प्लिट | समाप्त हुआ |
1 | Introduction (Flying) गोल्ड | 7m 55s 318ms | 7m 55s 318ms |
2 | Hogwarts Entrance गोल्ड | 6m 38s 346ms | 14m 33s 664ms |
3 | Potions Lesson गोल्ड | 9m 30s 415ms | 24m 04s 079ms |
4 | Duelling Club गोल्ड | 6m 20s 935ms | 30m 25s 014ms |
5 | Dumbledore's Office & Quidditch गोल्ड | 11m 51s 502ms | 42m 16s 516ms |
6 | Ginny and the Potions Club गोल्ड | 14m 45s 366ms | 57m 01s 882ms |
7 | Quidditch Match गोल्ड | 10m 57s 187ms | 1h 07m 59s 069ms |
8 | Slughorn's Party गोल्ड | 11m 33s 996ms | 1h 19m 33s 065ms |
9 | Draco, Snape and Bellatrix गोल्ड | 5m 45s 259ms | 1h 25m 18s 324ms |
10 | The Mysterious Potion गोल्ड | 7m 59s 070ms | 1h 33m 17s 394ms |
11 | Dumbledore, McGonagall and Quidditch छोड़ दिया | — | — |
12 | Ron Tries to Get Away गोल्ड | 21m 17s 472ms | 1h 54m 34s 866ms |
13 | Meeting at the Astronomy Tower छोड़ दिया | — | — |
14 | What is love? गोल्ड | 16m 00s 856ms | 2h 10m 35s 722ms |
15 | Goddamn, more Quidditch गोल्ड | 7m 08s 688ms | 2h 17m 44s 410ms |
16 | Malfoy Chasing गोल्ड | 5m 35s 260ms | 2h 23m 19s 670ms |
17 | A Potion for Slughorn गोल्ड | 17m 15s 987ms | 2h 40m 35s 657ms |
18 | Last Quidditch, YAY गोल्ड | 8m 32s 006ms | 2h 49m 07s 663ms |
19 | The End गोल्ड | 19m 39s 337ms | 3h 08m 47s |
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