Is the Source Pause Tool allowed in the Any% category? I'm specifically referring to certain commands in it, like "y_spt_autojump 1," which allows you to repeatedly jump by holding the jump key.
If it isn't allowed, I would think that an Autojump% category would be good, where you can use SPT, but only for the autojump function.
I know it sounds pointless for me to be asking about this, but I have problems with the joints in my fingers, which makes it much harder to jump using the scroll wheel.
No, spt isn't allowed at all and I don't think that mods are going to create this category.
It has recently been discovered that the commonly used speedrun package referred to as the "5135 Unpack" has made changes that grant its users unfair advantages which were never present in any vanilla version of the game.
In light of this discovery, We've released an update which fixes these is