Tranq Glitch and Reset Penalty Rule Changes + New Elusive Target
Tranq Glitch and Reset Penalty Rule Changes + New Elusive Target
पोस्ट किया गया 4 days ago से

Hello Hitman WoA Speedrunners ! The moderation team and myself have been heavily discussing a number of topics over the last couple weeks that will undoubtedly change the future of the game. I hope you all understand that every decision listed below was not made lightly and we feel that these decisions will be best for the game going into the new year. Without further ado, thank you for your time and your trust. We hope you all have a Happy Holidays and good luck agents.

1) Tranq Glitch - We have decided that in the current scope of the game the ban on tranq glitch was outdated and not a reflection of the community's opinion on the tech. Because of this, we have made the first step in unbanning TG starting with the Hitman WoA main leaderboards on SRC. We will continue to discuss and monitor the community's thoughts on this in the coming months, but for the time being TG will remain banned for all other leaderboards.

2) Fullgame Reset Penalty - We have revised the rules regarding resetting during fullgame speedruns to apply a penalty for all resets from the start of the level to the end, including during cutscene. This will be a 1 second minimum penalty for all resets and after 1 second the penalty will be equivalent to the time on the in-game timer when the reset takes place. The only exceptions to this are Bangkok and all Sarajevo Six levels which will carry a higher 10 second minimum penalty. This is a change that will take time to be fully reflected on the leaderboards, but we will work as quickly as possible to retroactively apply penalties where applicable. This new rule applies to ALL Hitman leaderboards with fullgame speedruns.

3) Elusive Target Stuff:

  • Fullgame ETs LB - We have updated the Hitman 3 ETs and All ETs (No Fixer) leaderboards to include The Disruptor and The Splitter. Please check the revised rules on SRC for more information.
  • The Splitter LB - The Splitter has been added to the Hitman WoA Elusive Targets leaderboard. Because Agent 47 is forced to start in a disguise, Suit Only (SO) is not possible and we will only accept SA and Any% submissions.

4) Autosplitter Issues - I just wanted to end this by quickly addressing the issues that players have been having with the Peacock and Freelancer autosplitters by assuring you that we are aware and working on it. An announcement will be made as soon as these programs are back online and working.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Tranq Glitch and Reset Penalty Rule Changes + New Elusive Target

Hello Hitman WoA Speedrunners ! The moderation team and myself have been heavily discussing a number of topics over the last couple weeks that will undoubtedly change the future of the game. I hope you all understand that every decision listed below was not made lightly and we feel that these decisi

4 days ago
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