All Choruses in 2h 18m 32s by
टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया
# | नाम | स्प्लिट | समाप्त हुआ |
1 | Woo yeah | 12m 31s 873ms | 12m 31s 873ms |
2 | Rekka गोल्ड | 17m 48s 361ms | 30m 20s 234ms |
3 | R&D गोल्ड | 9m 50s 256ms | 40m 10s 490ms |
4 | AR | 15m 38s 914ms | 55m 49s 404ms |
5 | Nodes | 11m 36s 173ms | 1h 07m 25s 577ms |
6 | Lift | 6m 17s 098ms | 1h 13m 42s 675ms |
7 | The Climb गोल्ड | 16m 02s 419ms | 1h 29m 45s 094ms |
8 | Museum गोल्ड | 14m 41s 021ms | 1h 44m 26s 115ms |
9 | Mimosa | 4m 36s 740ms | 1h 49m 02s 855ms |
10 | Masterplan गोल्ड | 15m 15s 071ms | 2h 04m 17s 926ms |
11 | Robot | 10m 20s 063ms | 2h 14m 37s 989ms |
12 | Kale गोल्ड | 3m 54s 522ms | 2h 18m 32s 511ms |
Windowed Flying Glitch Poll
Hey everyone!
As some of you might already know, there was a big glitch discovery recently! This glitch involves playing the game in windowed mode, then moving the window during a midair parry. For some reason, this prevents Chai from falling, and allows you to fly around freely. **This is known
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