3 years ago
Delaware, USA

Yo, I know it is kind of a meme playing on those difficulties for guitar hero games, but the other games have them and I think it would be neat-o cheeto to have them. I was planning to do a run of it this weekend, again, for the memes. Memes are what make the world go round.

arturscabbed इसे पसंद करता है
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I was about to say the same.. even if its a "meme" it would be a completely different run in comparison to hard/expert because you would have to select the shorter songs... i would like yo do it... But guitar hero moderators are like ghosts...

Bregermann इसे पसंद करता है
Delaware, USA

i think ill just do a run and submit it and see how that goes haha

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

i just broke the world record... 2h16m... im uploading it..!! first try ever

IvanderLatidjan और Bregermann इसे पसंद करें
Delaware, USA

GG well played!

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

all you need to do is to disable auto save... i dont know why they didnt think of that, still you need to be able to play on hard/expert.. i did on the original guitar..

IvanderLatidjan और Bregermann इसे पसंद करें

@arturscabbed Is 2 hour 16 min unbeatable or is it still beatable?

(Edit: I just got 2:16:49 recently)

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Easy/Medium category added, finding some time to run it (actually i have to study the lengh of all musics to see the faster route)

गेम विवरण
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