Help on how to tell between different region releases for buying the game on disc
Typically NTSC and PAL would have similar front box design with the title text colour being blue for NTSC and PAL being red. On the back of the disc case, NTSC and PAL will have 2 of the same screenshots while the 3rd on the NTSC box art not being similar to the other 2 screenshots on the PAL case. Also the layout ln the back is also different
Submission waitlist info update
The retimer i use to retime runs is currently not working as intended and i am therefore unable to retime runs. Please standby for a further update.
हाल की दौड़ें
स्तर: Heights Mountain
स्तर: Grand Hills
स्तर: Grand Hills
स्तर: Green Fields
स्तर: Green Fields
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