वीडियो जोखिम में
इस रन का वीडियो Twitch द्वारा हटाए जाने के जोखिम में है
Glitchless in 3m 47s 491ms by
इस रन का वीडियो Twitch द्वारा हटाए जाने के जोखिम में है
Sorry mods for submitting so many runs lately, I JUST CAN'T STOP GETTING PBs! Also gave livesplit another shot, so the sum of best and splits aren't too accurate yet, but I did get sum of best down to sub 3 already! Woo!
Slight Change to the Individual Levels, again.
This is a follow up to the previous news post, see
It has now been decided by the mod team that mobile runs should not be allowed on the individual level leaderboard due to their inaccuracy in timing. All mobile runs will be removed and no more will be ac
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