Unvailable video, run verified by nobody
4 years ago
Aberdeen, Scotland

Looks like the video was deleted by the user and the mod who verified the run deleted their account, thats what the numbers by "Verified by" are.

Hako, SpeedyFolf और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

So is this....okay? I actually tend to skew toward "if it was verified at the time it's probably good" but there's nothing to go on here.


I mean if nobody in the game’s community has a problem with it then yeah, I’d say it’s okay.


This is up to the community and moderators. Runs that were verified retroactively but currently do not have video evidence available are not immediately less legitimate now then they were back then.

Hako इसे पसंद करता है
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

But people KNOW that it happened. The proof existed when it was submitted. Like it or not, it IS still a legitimate run, the video may have been gone, but the moderators were around to see that time was ACTUALLY achieved and therefore it's legit. You wouldn't consider a person dead right away just because they are missing. Same thing counts here.

Imaproshaman इसे पसंद करता है
United States

I can understand in the case of the mod deleting their account, but otherwise people can do whatever they want.

I guess a problem could arise when it comes to cheating. Imagine this: Somebody submits a fake run that gets verified. Someone else discovers the run is fake and calls it out. The cheater deletes the video of the fake run. Should the call out be ignored then because the run got verified? I know the mods here are doing a great job but sometimes even the best mod could make a mistake and verify a fake run. What should be done in such a case?


Idk, that's up to each community to decide and deal with. The site doesn't police how individual communities handle those types of situations (unless it's something egregious and the community complains about moderator behavior).

If someone is proof-calling a run, then they will most likely have a copy locally that they've been analyzing to build their case against the runner. Nobody just proof-calls a run without, well, proof. At that point the game's community decides what to do with the run in question (which will usually mean it gets removed).

Imaproshaman और Laika_the_Spacedog इसे पसंद करें

@Timmiluvs Makes sense that somebody would keep proof. Thanks!