Migration of YT content to another social media and retiming on Twitch
1 year ago

I've been thinking about moving from YouTube to Twitch. Still not sure when it's gonna happen, but I feel it might be soon. As much as I'm not really worried about transferring the content of my channel to my account on another social media, I'm worried about how that's going to affect my runs. I already have 100+ runs, so it'd be cool if I could retain them all on the leaderboards. Do you think that changing the video link should do the thing when the run is already verified or will it have to be retimed? What should I do to retain the run when transferring the video to another social media? I already got to know with a thread from 3 years ago regarding retiming the runs on Twitch, but it hasn't been promising. Especially since there was nothing about a tool that'd work like YouTube Frame Timer for the YT videos. Has anything changed within that time? Is there currently something like YouTube Frame Timer but on Twitch? If not, then how should I properly retime my runs?

United States

The easiest way would be to just leave all your old verified runs on YouTube and submit new ones on Twitch. If you edit your old runs with new Twitch links, all of them will need to be reviewed by mods again.

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