4 days ago
United States
Any/All, They/Them
4 days ago

So in UBERCAT OVERDRIVE I was messing around with the level editor and added it to my main earth file and after i deleted it and added the normal one back (from a new downloaded file) it still was invalid for speedrunning! The meteor thing and everything happened, Then i deleted all of the ubercat files i had comepletely and redownload them IT STILL DID IT! And even my worlds were still there. I dont care bout worlds, Is there a way to have a valid speedrunable game!

Somerset, England

I would post this in that game's Discord or forum. As these are the general forums for the site.

United States
Any/All, They/Them
4 days ago

Oh thats a fair point

United States
Any/All, They/Them
4 days ago

sorry im new