My gosh, I haven't done one of these in a while.
6 years ago

Hey, hello, and greetings. I'm Meow "The Meowman" Meowskivich, Programmer, Game Designer, and all around cool guy. I'm a compulsive completionist, and like running through games I enjoy a few times over. After a bit of thinking about it, I've decided I actually want to get a bit more into some more serious speedrunning, seeing what sort of records I can hold with limitations I agree to.

A bit more about myself, in my spare time, in addition to playing games (video or tabletop), I enjoy watching cheesy horror films, classic movies, and the odd cartoon. I also write reviews and articles for the website Random.Access (, covering any odd thing I feel like blathering about that day, even candles. The rest of the time, I'm usually keeping myself with creative endeavors, such as sewing plushies, drawing animations, and last but definitely not least: making games myself.

Throughout my time on this planet, I've worked on many games. Platformers and RPGs mostly, and as is the case with anyone starting on something new, they're mostly crap. However, I've improved over time, and eventually actually got hired on for a professional project one year. These days, I have a good few ideas for projects to work on, but my most current works are on "Spooky Times 2", a sequel to an old short Halloween RPG I made in...2013? Spooky Times 2, however, is more of a classic shmup/shooter/whatever you call Gradius and R-Type sorts of games. I like to blather about it on my twitter if you care to follow it at all. Most recent video on the development can be seen here, but it's still in Alpha:

With all that said, Hi and Hello to all, and I hope to get some good runs out there. Cheers. -Meow

Oxknifer इसे पसंद करता है


Meowskivich इसे पसंद करता है
Oklahoma, USA

hello! :) where can i check out some of your games?


Hey ^^ hope everything is going well with the game and stuff :) like chryoyo said what games have you done? :)

@MelonSlice and @chryoyo, Most of my published works can be found on Slime Salad, but I warn you that they'll be rough around the edges. Examples of some games: AR-PUH-GUH! - an ambitious little rpg of mine, on perpetual pause, though I haven't completely given up on it, but I have no desire to come back to it currently

The Adventures of Luigi and his crazy band of Side-kicks - A Super Mario Bros. X level pack of mine, the version found in this link is incredibly outdated, and I tend to privately send anyone who's curious the more current versions. It's something I mess around with when I'm bored.

Much-Meow - A pac-man clone of sorts, this was released near the end of my time with Slime Salad, it's only the one level long I do believe, but it was an experiment with making a non-rpg with the OHRRPGCE.

Spooky Times - Finally, the game that's the prequel to my modern work. Spooky Times was a short game I made for halloween some time back, and was a throwback to old Atari games (such as Adventure), it features a simple battle system and can take maybe 5 minutes to clear.

As for more modern work, the best thing to keep up with it is either by following me on Twitter ( or joining my relatively new discord server (, which is a server I wish to dedicate to creative endeavors. For that one game I was hired on for, though, was a more privately created game that was used for educational purposes, and funding was never put through for us to make the public mobile port of the game, sadly. But hey, things move on.

Thanks for the greetings, everyone!

Oklahoma, USA

please, unpolished works make for good glitch hunting ;) sweet ill check them out!

Meowskivich और MelonSlice इसे पसंद करें
Richmond, VA, USA

Looks like some fun games you've made there!

Meowskivich इसे पसंद करता है