Prep file for Harder Stepcounter on PSX
हटा दिया गया
I think your best bet is gonna ask Luzbel or Cordellium directly as they're the only two people to have ran with that stepcount.
quetzington इसे पसंद करता है
I have the spreadsheet that he had in his video, but it doesn't reference the battle setup/stepID setup with walking steps like the video had. :/ IIRC it was 18 battles and some L+R walking movement by the cave entrance, but as for the specific ID, I can't remember. :/
के द्वारा संपादित लेखक
Here's my tutorial on how to set up this step count:
के द्वारा संपादित लेखक
quetzington इसे पसंद करता है
Cutscene Remover Break added
Hey everyone!
We're very happy to announce the addition of a 5 minute break to the FF8 2013 CSR. There is also a new version of the Autosplitter for the 2013 PC version.
You can find the new versions of the CSR (1.31 for French and 1.2 for English) with the same links as before.
The Autosplitter
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