playstation version
3 years ago
New Jersey, USA

I don't see many PlayStation runs on here. Is there a reason why and is there a difference between the SNES and PlayStation

Tilki इसे पसंद करता है

If you look, I posted a question almost 2 years ago and never got a reply. I can only assume this forum/community is dead.

Massachusetts, USA

I don't know the answer myself, but here's a thread with a link for the FF discord. FF5 has its own channel in the server (shared with 4 and 6). You might get a quicker answer there!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
Washington, USA

I suspect most people just really don't like the load times of the PSX version, which I've heard are quite bad, though I've not played it myself.

गेम विवरण
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