Minor Strats/Optimizations
8 years ago
United States

Have something that saves a small amount of time or could be useful to runs? Post it here.

United States

The best route i could find for getting resources to build the bow.

After you light your club on fire you can throw it at the vines to burn them. Saves a small amount of time.

You can jump past the water in the cave. Another thing i found is you can dive into the water but land on the rocks to skip the stumbling animation. Haven't tested it much yet so i don't know if it's consistent.

If you shoot the bonfire from a distance with a fire arrow you can save a large amount of time and get teleported to the bonfire.

The beginning is the best place to farm all the mats for building Sayla, Tensay and Karoosh's hut so if you were to find a route it would be for the bow, club, spear, some arrows and their huts.

You can just shoot a fire arrow for the vines.

The skip at the cave was good.

Bonfire skip is good but can only be used on that first one pretty much

Anything I would have to add is in my run because typing everything I found would take a bit but any glitches, exploits or anything for the Batari fight would be nice , someway of glitching on to the platform maybe or glitching a pet in there to hit her while stunning her.

United States

I just pick up resources for their huts and weapons along the way, so i don't get them all at the beginning. I assumed it was faster but haven't timed it.

It takes longer to light your club and an arrow on fire, unless you can ignite your arrow first, which i haven't tried yet.

Another thing, if you skin the three wolves at the beginning and grab the wolf skin when you tame the white wolf, it saves you 4 skins so you only have to kill and skin 2.

This is the notes I have pulled up on my other monitor while I'm doing the run, mainly for the resources.

Gather (total mats for route) - [Goat Skin:4] [Alter Wood: 23] [Reeds: 11] [Slate: 17] [Deer Skin: 2] [Wolf Skin: 6]

RNG based optional (while gathering meat along the way) - Improved bag [2 boar skin]

Skillpoints in order - [PHeal1] [Tame lion/saber] [DFA, mam rider, beast rider] [ex health2] [Shard Takedown, Heavy Takedown] [prim heal 2] [tag en, hunter vision, craft arrow 1]/rest are preference

Bonfires - #1 First one before tensay,#2 next to bone cave, #3 after Big Darwa Fort (near The Taken Wenja mission start)

United States

So I've found some small time saves on Visions of Beasts. At the beginning of Visions of Beasts and Visions of Ice (not Visions of Fire though) there is a small window that lets you start sprinting so when coming out of the loading screen spam click the sprint button and it will let you sprint.

If you veer off high and to the right you can land on land and skip the small swimming section.

United States

The only specialist missions that are required to beat the game are Brother in Need (Karoosh) and Trapped (Wogah). Blood of Oros is not required and neither is On the Hunt (Jayma).

I also found Big Darwa Fort and Fire Screamer Fort are not required. You can simply run through/ them to get to the final missions.

lol damn I knew it, when going through the game I thought their might be something I missed when it came to the specialist missions because after doing Wogah is when the next story mission unlocked but I had just so happened to have done Jayma before him and the only reason I did Blood of Oros was because I thought all the specialists had to at least return to the village but if this is no longer the case I am happy to do much less in the run.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Loads Removed, DLC removal, New category and more

Smarkaka Winja brashtar swasar-kwa!

Some bigger changes and additions have been made for the Primal speedrunning.


What is new:

From now on, new runs will be timed with loads removed. On PC there is Load

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