Save file format (dat.dat)
Save file format (dat.dat)
अपडेट किया गया 1 year ago से GFD

The save file is just a text file with five lines, each storing a value for a variable. (Game Maker 7’s native text file processing functions use CR LF (\r\n) style newlines when writing text files, but it can also read text files using LF (\n) style newlines.)

  1. introHasBeenCleared: Stores whether or not the “Intro” chapter has been cleared. Valid values are 0 for not cleared and 1 for cleared. When this is 0, the main menu cannot be accessed before it is completed, and pressing escape will quit the game instead.
  2. gameProgress: Stores how far the player has progressed through the game. Valid values are:
    • -10: Dream
    • -9: Cabin
    • -8: Takeoff
    • -7: Eggman
    • -6: Panjan
    • -5: Water
    • -4: Climb
    • -3: Drill
    • -2: Grass
    • 1: Flak
    • 2: Robot
    • 3: Doors
    • 4: Lost
    • 5: Hell
    • 6: ZigZag
    • 7: Doll
    • 8: Free
    • 9: Chopper
    • 10: Hangar
    • 11: Join me
    • 12: Egg
    • 13: Roll
    • 14: Emeralds
    • 15: Saved
    • 16: Attack
    • 17: Battle
    • 18: End
    • 19: Ultimate
    • 20: Love
  3. gameCleared: Stores whether or not the game has been cleared. Valid values are 0 for not cleared and 1 for cleared. The game is considered to be cleared when the final ending cutscene concludes and the game resets itself. The only functional change this has compared to a gameProgress value of 20 is that the game will add a drawing of Sonic and Tails in a 69 position to the pool of random images shown in place of the “O” in the “Oddwarg” logo when starting “Intro”.
  4. hasStartedAfterClear: Stores whether or not the game has shown the “Oddwarg” logo at least once after clearing the game. Valid values are 0 for no and 1 for yes. When this is 0, gameCleared is 1, and the game shows the “Oddwarg” logo, it will always show the drawing of Sonic and Tails in a 69 position in place of the “O” and then set hasStartedAfterClear to 1. (As such, this is set to 1 almost immediately after gameCleared is set to 1 in practice, since the game starts “Intro” and displays the “Oddwarg” logo right after it is considered to be cleared.)
  5. verticalSync: Stores whether or not VSync should be enabled. Valid values are 0 for off and 1 for on.

A save file that is considered valid to start with for a full game run will have values of 0, -10, 0, and 0 for the first four lines, and either 0 or 1 for the fifth line.

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