I have a suggestion to separate the records of GBA console from others.
I have 2 reasons. At first, GBA version has smaller width of field. This makes faster than other consoles.
GBA : 7 cells width Other consoles : 8 cells width (*Edited)
At second, GBA version has no loading time.
How do you think about this?
I have another reason to split them:
Hard Boiled Hard GBA has 8 levels Hard Boiled Hard on other consoles has 10 levels
Looking at GBA gameplay, I noticed more:
Level fadeout is faster. GBA takes ~3 seconds after "WIN" text to fade to black. Other versions take ~6 seconds when touching the goal, and ~4 seconds for win by disqualification.
Completing rows spawns new blocks differently. I do not have a cohesive description of these differences, but you can look at some of hebo-MAI's runs on GBA and compare the bonus block spawns to other consoles. I may also be psyching myself out and it's just a consequence of rows being 7-wide.
There are many differences in GBA version, more when you pay heavy attention.