About posting 'New Game' runs to the leaderboad
2 years ago

I would like to add a new yes/no variable to 'Offline 1 Player' leaderboard which shows the run was done using the initial savedata or not. New game runs will be shown together with other runs in the leaderboard, and if you want to see new games runs only, you can filter them.

Rules are as follows:

  • Start from the initial savedata
  • No pre-order bonus weapons
  • Video must include the creation of new savedata slot


Offline 1 Playerのカテゴリーにニューゲームの記録であるかどうかを示す項目を追加したいと考えています。 順位表にはそれ以外の記録と一緒に表示される予定です。 ニューゲームの記録だけを見たい場合は、フィルターを使うことができます。


  • 初期データから開始する
  • 予約特典武器の使用禁止
  • セーブデータ作成を録画に含めなければならない
mzousui इसे पसंद करता है

FYI I'm on my way of reviewing a new game run of all missions.


I have a question about "Difficulty: Multiple" in the New Game category that has just come to my attention. Do you allow the selection of Hardest, Inferno for the difficulty level? In EDF5, if you use a saved data that has at least one clear data, you will be able to select Hardest, Inferno from mission 1 from new data thereafter. So, for example, you can select Inferno for Mission 1, drop a level 40 weapon, and then use a strategy such as Easy for subsequent difficulty levels. On the other hand, if you have no clear data in your saved data, you can only select difficulty up to Hardest, which is unfair. (I know this is a somewhat unrealistic case, but I think it would be better to clearly state this as a rule so as not to raise any red flags.)


New Gameカテゴリにおける「難易度:Multiple」について、今さら気になった点が出てきたので質問します。難易度にHardest, Infernoを選択することを許可しますか? EDF5はクリアデータが1つでもあるセーブデータを使用する場合、以降の新規データからはミッション1からHardest, Infernoを選択できるようになります。なので、例えばミッション1でInfernoを選択し、レベル40相当の武器をドロップしてから以降の難易度はEasy等で攻略するという戦略を使用することができます。逆に、クリアデータが1つもないセーブデータだと難易度はHardまでしか選択できないため、不公平な点が生じてしまいます。 (そもそもクリアデータを持っていない人がスピードランに挑戦するのかという、いささか非現実的なケースを持ち出してしまいましたが、ルールとして明示しておいた方が角が立たないかと思います)

United Kingdom

I would state that I would prefer it not having to be a completely original save state with higher difficulties unavailable, for the very reason of trying to drop that level 40 weapon to speed up the rest of the run.

But then again, if that is the case, then that strategy would become the main one used to push through. As weapon drops are random, that would then make the biggest inhibitor of run time how lucky you get with the weapon drop, which perhaps is at odds with speed running, if you consider the main point of it being about skill and experience, rather than random luck.

गेम विवरण
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