Discovered a Major Skip - get to downtown immediately after prologue
2 years ago

It uses legit precision parkour after obtaining the FAR JUMP skill, so its not a glitch as i know of.

What I don't know is, if we get to downtown early, can anything actually be done to make the game faster? Will take research from you smart runner peeps. Good luck

My Video - Get to downtown immediately after the prologue:

Oz_DF, Hess और 4 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Devon, England

unfortunately this isn't helpful for speedruns from the testing I've done, you can get to the central early but you can't achieve anything as everything in the game is quest locked, but still a really cool find :)

The_L, BOZAK_115, और ItsLeooo इसे पसंद करें

Thank you for doing your research on this!

After I actually beat the game myself, I will still be looking around to see if i can find some kind of endgame cutscene trigger that might trigger the end game sequence. Who knows with this kind of skip?

TheToastyFail, The_L, और BOZAK_115 इसे पसंद करें
Pennsylvania, USA

This is really cool, all we have to do is find a way to trick the game into thinking we've already completed the first area. I don't know how that would be possible, what happens if you die after getting out of the tunnel, where does it respawn you?

BOZAK_115 और ItsLeooo इसे पसंद करें

@Tappers74, because I found this skip out of pure exploration curiosity, and have not beaten the game --- I have not looked for ways to benefit from this skip simply because I do not want to spoil the new areas, or softlock / break my save file lol.

I did quit the game and relaunch and it spawned me at the hospital where you first get the binoculars.

Tappers74 और BOZAK_115 इसे पसंद करें
Devon, England

@Tappers74 you can go around the inner circle the main city without any repercussions and explore and get stuff like the Night runner hideouts discovered and respawn there, however it achieves nothing as even if you go to the fish eye you can't actually get inside to the bar area as it's story locked.

Pretty fun for going to the sunken city and trying to get a tier 7+ weapon and just nuking the early bosses, which I did after testing this out.

Tappers74 और BOZAK_115 इसे पसंद करें

that's sick

BOZAK_115 इसे पसंद करता है
Pennsylvania, USA

@TheToastyFail Do you think it's worth it to get the op weapons and then death warp back to the start to beat the game? I've beat the game twice causally, first on normal and then on hard. I didn't have much trouble with fights, although my second fight at the church did not go well. I wonder if there are any cheese spots like the bridge in Dying light 1

BOZAK_115 इसे पसंद करता है
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