100% Category
8 years ago

I was hoping for feedback on proposing a 100% category, which is viable through the Invasion Report (stats screen). Proposed criteria: -Complete all 22 missions. -Collect all 184 probes. -Purchase all 18 upgrades. -'World overlord Complete' at 100%.

The 184 probes make up 13,800 DNA, and all of the upgrades in total cost 22,150 DNA, so an extra 8,350 DNA needs to be collected throughout the run. The probes: -Turnipseed Farm: 25 probes. -Rockwell: 30 probes. -Santa Modesta: 50 probes. -Area 42: 24 probes. -Union Town: 25 probes. -Capitol City: 30 probes.

The upgrades: Zap-O-Matic: 2,500 DNA

  1. 250 DNA
  2. 750 DNA
  3. 1,500 DNA Disintegrator Ray: 3,400 DNA
  4. 400 DNA
  5. 1,000 DNA
  6. 2,000 DNA Ion Detonator: 4,250 DNA
  7. 500 DNA
  8. 1,250 DNA
  9. 2,500 DNA Psychokinesis: 5,000 DNA
  10. 500 DNA
  11. 1,500 DNA
  12. 3,000 DNA Death Ray: 1,500 DNA
  13. 500 DNA
  14. 1,000 DNA Sonic Boom: 2,000 DNA
  15. 750 DNA
  16. 1,250 DNA Quantum Deconstructor: 3,500 DNA
  17. 1,000 DNA
  18. 2,500 DNA

If grind is a worry, there are many 50/100+ DNA targets along the way through the missions and levels, and I've recently found a disorientation-anal probe combination that allows 2-shotting (instead of 3-shotting) Majestic agents, making them the best reliable DNA targets, at least at maximum notoriety. So, if done correctly, actual dedicated time to grinding should be fairly minimal.

I would also note the post-game yields 50% more DNA from extracted brainstems. However, to activate post-game the unskippable final cutscenes and credits must be watched, which is ~7 minutes long. So the grind period would need to be initially over 15 minutes to justify grinding post-game.

The 'World overlord Complete' statistic is the 100% metric, where all six levels in the game have their own '[level] complete' statistic, when they reach 100%, so will World Overlord. Completing main missions, collecting probes, and unlocking extras increase these percentages. Upgrades don't increase the percentages.

Collecting all of the probes and completing all of the missions also completely unlock various sections of the game's Archives (extras screen) for further confirmation of a complete 100% run. Relevant sections: -B-Movie Theater -Furonigami - Some Assembly Required -Furon Propaganda

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 years ago
ROMaster2 और oreoplaysthings इसे पसंद करें

An update to the DNA grinding. There are two very quick side missions early on: 'Farmland Fiasco' in Turnipseed Farm (land Saucer after completing 'Destination Earth') and 'Rockwell BBQ' in Rockwell (after completing 'Citizen Crypto').

'Farmland Fiasco' has a high density of easily-extracted, relatively high-DNA farmers that rewards 200 DNA (and eventually 300 DNA) for completing the mission (repeatedly). Completing enough missions until earning 300 DNA four times (20 farmers), plus all of the DNA from brain extraction, should give ~6,300 DNA in up to 15mins.

'Rockwell BBQ' doesn't give any brain stems, but killing the cows for the first three difficulties (6, 9, and 12 cows) gives 600 DNA in a little over a minute (even while using time to grab a probe), which is more rapid grinding than ‘Farmland Fiasco’. With practice (and good DNA drops), the total time between the two grinds may drop by a minute or two to a little over 14mins.

These are both done on the way to grabbing probes throughout their levels, and make up ~7,000 of the 8,350 DNA needed. Along with extracting certain high-value brain stems (female civilians in Turnipseed Farm, Mayors, (rarely) Generals, and the President), this easily reaches the DNA required - usually a few hundred over.

The issue is the 7k grinding section is 3,200 DNA rewarded from completing missions, which aren't boosted by post-game +50% brain stem DNA. So a method of skipping the ~7 minutes of ending cutscenes is needed to farm like this during the endgame (but it at least makes resets for dying during farming less punishing a reset).

On attempting farming off of the Majestic Agents, the problem is they generally don't come about in such huge densities like the farmers and take about twice as long to extract for about twice the amount of DNA (while getting no 'mission completed' DNA bonuses).

I also ran into an issue of trying to farm them in Capitol City and they eventually stopped spawning, which I believe is because the game can only spawn so many assets at once, and tanks spawning in the background struggle to despawn (destroyed or active) and clog the spawn pool.

Also, the Majestic Agents spawning during ‘South by Southwest’ get blocked by their cars, making it difficult to collect their brain stems while extracting others AND making spawn limits an issue again. I tried an alternative by hovering around the beach behind the target motel for the mission, but they only spawn in trios, with groups still being quite far from another, and still no bonus from 'mission completed' screens.

So for now, it seems some early game farmer and cow side mission grinding is the way to go. On run length: from my test runs this category is likely to get near to (or even under) 2 hours with some practice, optimisation, and good brain stem RNG.

गेम विवरण
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