Many Bugs, have to restart the game multiple times
15 days ago
Vorarlberg, Austria

tl:dr: Are bugged runs legit and can you stop the time when you have to restart the game because of bugs?


i have no official recorded run yet, but in my runs I had to restart the game severalt times, because sometimes I can't close the pause menu anymore because it's bugged. I usually stop the timer when I restart the game, is this legit?

Also, in Deponia 1 in the end, after you did all the Shenanigans with Cletus and go down the elevator the last time to pick up the Backup-Datasette from the machine, when you want to enter the elevator again, Cletus comes out of the elevator with a gun. The Dialog then is also pretty buggend jumps back and forward and when I try to give him the Backup-Datasette, sometimes I come to the next scene and the dialogue appears again which makes the run a little strange. Anyway, my question is, when these bugs appear, to my advantage or disadvantage, is the run still legit?

I also have to restart the game when I run Doomsday, because in one of the later scenes, with the guys from Elysium in front of the hut of Tonis dad, I can never go across the wood plank to the chronocar to use the Throttle Limiter on chronocar's strengthening link (swapping them). That just works after I restart the game.

So, are bugged runs legit and can you stop the time when you have to restart the game because of bugs?

European Union

The current rule is that restarting the game is no problem, if

  1. you "continue"/load a save made during the run; loading a save made prior to the current run attempt invalidates the run.

  2. you keep the timer running throughout the re-start. While there do exist speedgames where re-starting the game is subtracted from the final time, this does not apply to the Deponia games—at least as of now—because there has never been a widespread reason to implement this.

Vorarlberg, Austria

According to Racooze in this video I found, it's apparently a known issue that you can easily soft-lock the game. But anyway, it seems that you have to take care to not let it happen. Thanks for acknowledging my run!

Edit: I just saw at 16:45 (15:50 ingame time) he even run into that issue. Just wanted to leave it there too.

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