टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया Splits.io
# | नाम | स्प्लिट | समाप्त हुआ |
1 | Castle Town | 4m 44s 618ms | 4m 44s 618ms |
2 | Fields गोल्ड | 3m 02s 708ms | 7m 47s 326ms |
3 | Checkerboard गोल्ड | 2m 28s 715ms | 10m 16s 041ms |
4 | Forest Maze गोल्ड | 4m 19s 215ms | 14m 35s 257ms |
5 | Escape गोल्ड | 4m 35s 365ms | 19m 10s 622ms |
6 | Card Castle | 3m 16s 289ms | 22m 26s 912ms |
7 | King गोल्ड | 5m 16s 184ms | 27m 43s 097ms |
8 | Good night गोल्ड | 1m 07s 995ms | 28m 51s 092ms |
Addition of IGT to Deltarune
About a month ago, there was a community poll held in the discord to add IGT to Deltarune. After a close poll of about 70 to 5, we have added the use of IGT to the game. This IGT only makes a difference to the All Chapters categories, removing the time spent switching between chapter 1 and chapter 2
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