Intro and idea for New Sorc Strat
4 years ago

This is my first post and I just signed up here like 5 mins ago but I’ve been watching D2 speedruns on YouTube, thanks MrLlamaSC so I’m somewhat familiar with strats and plan to try getting into it if I can figure out my computers loading issue (anyone D2 technically smart I’d love to know why my computer has to run through the alphabet every time I load into the game) ANYWAYSSSS after viewing the new WR run for the P1 Norm Sorc, it got me thinking, much like Den is done, run past drop TP, go to cold plains back to town etc. You all know how it is done undoubtedly. Could a similar setup be used while heading towards jail but with the Black Marsh/Tower. What I was thinking is to run through marsh, drop a TP in front of the tower, then continue onwards to the outer cloister WP, then run the tower one time, I know the chances of getting a tal eth off of one countess run is slim, but if you do get it, having the 25fcr/fhr/frw for the rest of the run would undoubtedly aid you so much? After the one successful tal eth yielding tower run you would continue on exactly as we saw in the new WR with going to jail for the champion packs... would result in a large number of resets, but the one successful time would be beautiful...

Western Australia, Australia

if someone wants to grind this stratergy, it just adds to the amount of things that needs to go right :D

need enough gold on the way to Den, then need tal eth in one run then need jail setup to get to 18, then need good maps and duriel down by 37m or less, then need to get to level 19.5 before act 4, then need to have all this fit in 6-4-6 mins for the act 3-4-5 splits.

The grind becomes real. Some one who wants it bad enough will do this or something similar :D


This is exactly how tower run was done before tower became obsolete

Indrek I thought, from watching Llama stuff, that the tower was done on repeat from the black marsh WP until you had the tal eth, not a single time for good RNG then moving to jail?


There have been many meta cycles. 1 Tower into leveling map meta was before Jail strats. Tower is too much time investment even if you get Tal+Eth first try and it was abandoned on the sorc.

Ah okay. It was an idea I had been thinking of since I watched that video... thanks for at least entertaining my thoughts Indrek!

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