Sine low performance in game especally while recording is an issue I wanted to ask if it is allowed to use a mod which increases it but changes nothing else.
The mod used should be credited obviously.
The used mod is in the reddit post:
The used one would be "Stutter Fix". Maybe "System Time Overflow Fix" and "Name Overflow Fix" could also improove some things I won't use it tho since I don't think it's neccecry!
@BlackBlood the problem with that seems to be "Efficient Crafting" "EXP Buff" which would cause problems with timing obviously as it gives a direct unfair advantage. If they are togglable, then it probably shouldn't be an issue, but if there's some sort of mod menu, showing that before a run would be nice so we know you don't have anything else toggled.
Great, those two mods obvoisly wouldn't be used ( you can just delete the files from the mod folder).