As of this post PS2 emulator is allowed on the leaderboards for this game. Runs must be played on PCSX2 (Nightly) v1.7. or above (available here). Runs that were performed prior to this announcement that still adhere to these rules will also be permitted on the boards.
Required Settings:
Settings -> Bios
- Please match Bios to Region of the title
- Disable: Fast Boot
Settings -> Emulation
- Disable: Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU)
- Disable: Enable Instant VU1
Quality of Life Settings:
Settings -> Graphics
- Use whatever renderer you prefer (Recommended: Vulkan then OpenGL)
- Enable: No-Interlacing Patches [NTSC-U only]
- Enable: Disable Interlace Offset
- Enable: Anti-Blur
If you're running a PAL/NTSC-J title set Deinterlacing to what you prefer, recommended is Blend (Top Field First).
As of now, you can submit runs to the lederboards played on PCSX2 (Nightly) v1.7. or higher. The emulation accuracy has improved dramatically in recent times and combined with the loadless timing and the load remover, PCSX2 can finally go on the boards as well. Some basic settings are specified here