Cooking Mama 2: How to commit Apple Pie Abuse (Burn Apple Pie% Guide)
Cooking Mama 2: How to commit Apple Pie Abuse (Burn Apple Pie% Guide)
अपडेट किया गया 4 years ago से SirSins

So, you, for some reason, really, really, REALLY hate Apple Pies. Well, you probably need to get that checked out, but until I have the clearance to, I'm instead going to teach you how to burn that pie as quickly as possible. The actual run itself is not very technical. You merely need good execution to score a good time. But this kitchen is gonna burn down if I keep stalling. Lets move.

Oh, and before you start trying to run, time starts upon pressing 'Start' on the title, and ends on the first frame of the burnt pie. Read the category rules before running, or your run will be rejected.

-=- How to Burn the Apple Pie -=-

-Peel the skin! There are five lanes across four sides of three apples you need to peel off. Start on top and peel downward. Make sure to go straight or you'll move to a different lane and stop skinning. Make sure not to let go too early, or you'll leave some skin on the bottom.

-Slice up! Yes, the cuts are jank. Just do what you can to cut the four lines as efficiently as possible. The last cut down should be fairly straightfoward.

-Let it stew! On 0, turn the oven dial up to max heat immediately, then let it fill the bar all the way to the right and watch that pie scorch.

-Spread the pie crust! You need to click 5 times on each part of the crust to finish the job, though when a circle is complete, the next one actually takes a substantial delay to activate. This step is actually very easy to master.

-Cut holes using a fork! Mash on the pie to make fork holes. Mashing on new ground and not previous holes will massively increase your bar speed, though previously made holes will soon fade away, allowing you to re-use that ground.

-Spread it on thick! Make thorough tracks around the perimeter first, before moving in and doing another perimeter. Continue until the pie is covered. Try to sight out any places you missed before you fill the middle in so you can quickly move over and cover them.

-Cut holes in the crust! The worst part of this run. There is no real technique here, just make sure you are accurate or it won't count.

-Press down with a fork! Focus on accuracy rather than mashing. Mashing at a decent pace should do that side of the job, what will get you is the accuracy. Stay focused.

-Separate the egg! On 0, click on the left eggshell to chuck the egg immediately and fail the game.

-Mix it! Choose the Whisk and make the loops as fast as you can. Eventually, you'll spill the bowl and end the step early.

-Spread it on thick! Make thorough tracks around the perimeter first, before moving in and doing another perimeter. Continue until the pie is covered. Try to sight out any places you missed before you fill the middle in so you can quickly move over and cover them.

-Bake in the oven! The dial will start on the left, drag it all the way to the right and let go to set off the oven. Be ready to stop the timer on the first frame of the burnt pie (Though don't worry about being off, you can use YT Retimer to fix it. Ask in the discord!).

गेम विवरण
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