PSX emulation DuckStation is now allowed with 2x speed
PSX emulation DuckStation is now allowed with 2x speed
पोस्ट किया गया 2 years ago से

Moving forward you'll be allowed to use and submit runs using the PSX emulator DuckStation with 2x disc speed on.

NOTE: Anything over 2x is not allowed

When submitting to the leaderboard you'll be required to show the disc read speed at the end of the run, or you may leave it up on screen for the entire run.

Allowing this was based on data from testing a 90k ps2 with fast disc speed on. Additionally, test were done with Duckstation with 1x, 2x, 3x and 4x speeds.

In the link below are the results from the testing that was conducted:

For any additional information or discussion, please join the Chrono discord:

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
PSX emulation DuckStation is now allowed with 2x speed

Moving forward you'll be allowed to use and submit runs using the PSX emulator DuckStation with 2x disc speed on.

When submitting to the leaderboa

2 years ago
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10 जवाब
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