Category and SubCategories
6 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

I noticed that the runs here are separated by Version > Difficulty. But all runs so far are on the ** Casual ** difficulty and most of them follow the "Rider Route".

My suggestion is to change the category system and Subcategory to Version> Route.

The difficulty will be Casual for all (this would be in the rules), the runner can choose the route he wants to do

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MainStory% (Director Cut)> ** SIXTH RANGER ROUTE ** | ** RIDER ROUTE ** | ** METAL HERO ROUTE **

MainStory% (Legacy) [for runs before update]> ** SIXTH RANGER ROUTE ** | ** RIDER ROUTE ** | ** METAL HERO ROUTE **

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Why MainStory%? -> Simple, now that we can make episodes, maybe we can create some seasons for SpeedRun

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
United States

I'll consider it. Right now I do not have the time to fully reorganize the leaderboards but if i get some time I will try. I think I will keep it at any% for simplicity sake.

गेम विवरण
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