Cheater in the CQHD Speedrunning Community
4 years ago
Colorado, USA

I don't want to name names, but @goobert what were you thinking when you approved @RadicalMacaroni 's speedrun of Bowl%?

Run in question:

It is clear to anybody with 20/160 vision or better that the cereal being scarfed down is CHEERIOS. The light, fluffy nature of the cereal gives a competitive advantage over anybody following the rules of the category, which state you must eat CHEX cereal. If you must keep a TAS up on the leaderboards, please make a separate category so we can have fair competition in the categories that matter. Thank you.

rvaen17, Leetus, और Bregermann इसे पसंद करें
Georgia, USA

That's some serious unsnacksmanlike conduct. Thank you for bringing this to light. BUMP++

United States

I take this offense very seriously and as a result I will be abolishing all rules from the bowl% category

Jumpyluff, rvaen17, और Bregermann इसे पसंद करें
Pennsylvania, USA

They said emulators were allowed. I am NOT a stinky baby cheats a lot!

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