I need help to time the game!
2 years ago
United States

So I have 2 versions of this game in official CD-ROM releases: the original 1996 copy, and the Limited Run Games version. I've installed both versions and neither have the IGT/mission summary screen at the end of mission 5.

I've started downloading "abandonware" versions and haven't had any luck in finding any that work.

Is there anyone out there that can help? The sticky asks me to download an althub... I can't find those either! Where are they? How do I install one? Someone, anyone, can you help me?

United States

(I should note I prefer to run this game on a non-Windows 10 PC. I've been attempting to run it in 98, and in XP via DOS-Box, and it runs just fine minus the lack of the post-mission screen)

United States

I ended up just frame-counting the final mission from end-of-melt (between missions 4 and 5) and the final frame before the screen melts away at the end of mission 5.

गेम विवरण
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