Finalized Game rules
4 years ago
Maine, USA

All, please take notice, now that the decisions have been made about left-click vs mouse wheel, the Rules have been finalized. Please read them and be aware of them. There is some new stuff. The main thing is that left-click and fast-click types have been split into different boards. Furthermore, free-scroll mice have been banned.

Also, top times will now require audio/visual evidence as well as some sort of input tracker to be verified. (This does not mean that runs will not be accepted if they don't have them, they just wont have the verified status on the board.)

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
IRL Speedruns

SRC has come up with an IRL section. All IRL cooking backing speedruns will commence there moving forward. Please follow the boards if you're interested in IRL cookie backing speedruns.

9 months ago
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पोस्ट किया गया 4 months ago
पोस्ट किया गया 5 months ago
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