Really confused on all Bugsnax main game catagory.
2 years ago
United Kingdom

Are you still able to submit to the all Bugsnax% MAIN GAME? In the rules it says any runs not using dlc features to be submitted under that catagory. If I have the update downloaded BUT I don’t use any of the dlc things like hats, the house and the dlc island itself will it be accepted in the all Bugsnax main game? If I only collect all 100 Bugsnax in the main game, it’s really confusing me.

InLikeTheRose इसे पसंद करता है
United Kingdom

As long as the DLC stuff isn't used and you submit it under the Base Game subcategory, then it should be accepted. The DLC may have been added quite a while after I ran the game, but that's how other games' leaderboards tend to work - though with how random the DLC hats are, I personally think catching Bugsnax that do have them on should be allowed seeing as it's not guaranteed that you can get all 100 main game Bugsnax without finding one that has an hat, unless you either make sure the DLC update isn't downloaded, or lose time in the run because you've had to reset the area in order to get an standard Snak

Not sure how the mods feel about this

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
Light772sandwich इसे पसंद करता है
Texas, USA

For All Bugsnax, if you are only planning on collecting the 100 Bugsnax in the Base Game, submit it under the Base Game subcategory. If you plan on also catching all of the DLC Bugsnax as well, then you will want to submit it under the DLC subcategory.

Light772sandwich इसे पसंद करता है
United Kingdom

Okay, thank you so much! : ).

United Kingdom

Sorry another question, Does the run end when you collect all 100 Bugsnax or does it end after collecting all 100 Bugsnax AND complete the game?

He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
2 years ago

you have to beat the game

Konception इसे पसंद करता है
Texas, USA

@InLikeTheRose yes, catching Bugsnax with hats on is fine. We won't penalize you for doing any DLC content in the Base Game version. We just separated the categories so that those who want to do Base Game categories (without having to do the Broken Tooth quest line and catches) could do so if they wish.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
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