Brawl Ball Maps (July 2024)
Brawl Ball Maps (July 2024)
अपडेट किया गया 7 months ago से Radivibe

What is the fastest Brawl Ball map?

If you are running milestone runs (total trophies in an account or a brawler) the fastest way to do it is undoubtedly brawl ball. But what maps are the fastest?

As of now, the only brawl ball maps with an open path from the centre to the goal are Goalkeeper's Dream and Super Beach. Every other map is simply slower because it requires breaking or walking around walls.

Goalkeeper's Dream is much easier to execute, even with the update that added small walls to the sides it is relatively easy to get the ball and get within scoring range. This should be the chosen map for runs with no movement (as it gives you more time to shoot bots before they reach the ball) or runs where you are playing against real people, if you are using long range controllers and/or damage dealers.

Super Beach is faster as it has spawnpoints closer to the centre, but it is slightly more difficult to get a clean run on. The bots will start shooting you as soon as the game starts and will beat you to the ball on the second goal unless you have movement abilities. You have a much shorter time to get rid of them, so I recommend using this map only with brawlers that have high splash damage or that have a movement or knockback ability available at the start of round 2. You also need to shoot the ball between the unbreakable wall and the fences on the sides which is easy to do once, but you will miss at some point.

All and all, Super Beach is the fastest map if done correctly, but Goalkeeper's Dream gives you more margin for error, losing you less time per mistake in comparison.

If you want to discuss more strategies, join the discord:

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार

Hello everyone,

It's been a while and we thank you for your patience. As of now, there are 266 unverified runs and it is currently not possible for the team to get through them. As for me, I am busy for the next two weeks due to exams. But as soon as they finish, I will go through each and every ru

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