Autosplitter/load remover available
4 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

Going forward it is strongly recommended runners run the game with the autosplitter made for this game (you can add me on discord for a direct link, or hit the "activate" button when setting your game in splits) for a more accurate representation of your run time, as the moderators would like to have the rankings be based on Time Without Loads from here on out.

This ASL file also pauses the timer based on when the game is loading AND during the quicksave pause. Seeing as the quicksave feature freezes the game for a period of time that is INFLUENCED BY THE RUNNER'S COMPUTER SETUP (cpu most importantly) this creates an unfair disadvantage with regards to RTA timing for those who have lower end specs, hence the switch to Time Without Loads. Quickloading is also affected based on setup but not as obvious and downright unfairly as quicksaving is.

Manually timing out when the splitter would pause is an inaccurate and time consuming effort, especially given sometimes it is hard to discern when the game initially freezes during a quicksave upon viewing the video. For now I will attempt to retime any fullgame (episodes 1-4) runs that are not using the load remover under 20 minutes. This means I will be retiming of Hanomamoru's, Perochialjoe's, and Muty's runs to determine their Time Without Loads, and update the leaderboards accordingly (all other runs are too far away/irrelevant to WR to worry about this, sorry).

Please, use the load remover going forward as moderators manually timing out runs may not be the case going forward and YOUR RUN'S RTA TIME WILL BE THE ONLY TIME CONSIDERED (placing you under runners with Time W/O Loads, as the leaderboard prioritizes them first). If you need any help in setup, don't be afraid to ask here or in the discord! :)

    • *UPDATE * * *

Please just set your game name to "Blood: Fresh supply" and hit the "activate" button that appears, like so:

Or message me on discord for a direct link!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
perochialjoe और Muty इसे पसंद करें
New York City, NY, USA

Due to a slight oversight of my own, the Autosplitter file that was linked in resources only worked when you had the game on DirectX11 render settings in the Video Options. I've found the bytes misbehaving in Vulcan and OpenGL3.2 and have fixed them. You should now be able to play with any rendering option :).

I've linked the better Autosplitter file in resources and will update it on the Livesplit ASL page as well.

Muty इसे पसंद करता है
Oklahoma, USA

I am trying to find the autosplitter for this game but the resources tab is empty, help?

New York City, NY, USA

Sorry, I removed it from the resource page because that one was outdated. If you set your game to "Blood: Fresh Supply" when making your splits you should see an "activate" button appear, like so:

Just click it and you should be good to go. I've been meaning to update this thread/post but never got around to it, sorry! Slipped my mind 😅

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
गेम विवरण
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