Does this run count?
6 years ago
Delaware, USA

I'm not a speed runner but I played this game a while back and after adding up the time limit of my videos then comparing it to best record I think I may of outperformed the best run on this version of the game. The problem is that I don't know if I can submit it since I was played it 4 different times instead all at once. Since this is such a underplayed game there is no information about whether the it's segmented or not. If it is allowed I will properly time the gameplay and give you an exact run time.

My current time: 4:49:47

Here's the playlist:

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
Michigan, USA

I don't think it would matter 4:49:47 Seems Pretty Beatable anyway

United States

if you want to talk to the mods directly, join the SpongeBob Series discord

Minnesota, USA

This game is split into three run categories: Individual levels, Chapters, and Full game. Since each of your 4 videos consists of you playing through a singular chapter, you are able to submit each video as a chapter run, given that you add a timer getting the exact run length.

गेम विवरण
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