Bombs could be used to skip the light temple ?
2 months ago
Gelderland, Netherlands
He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

i know about this skip for a few months now and im not sure if it will work im just gonna post it here just incase

the bombs in this game can basically be used to one shot bosses (except the goddess temple boss) and are normally not able to be used in other parts of the game (if you use a bomb in the dark temple boss it will pretty much break the boss softlocking ppl who havent beaten it yet so they have to join a new server).

to bring the bombs outside of fire temple once you grab the red orb you have to go to the bomb giver close to the orb room and you will keep it (note grabbing the red orb again removes ur bomb so dont do that)

you can lit a bomb if it touches any instance that is considered fire like the fire that appears at the red part of the boss statue thingy in dark temple which

this means you can lit a bomb at the first phase of the phantom orb fight. normally you cannot kill him unless you use a glove to damage him, however there appears a purple fire when you groundpound the buttons so you can lit a bomb using the purple fire and thus kill phantom orb in the first phase

im conflicted if this will save time as going to fire temple may take a few mins but this could probably skip the light temple? the only item i know that can damage phantom orb aside from the light glove are bombs

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 months ago
Gelderland, Netherlands
He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

it's also possible to reach the goddess temple bossfight and get their bombs because the goddess temple boss room is close to the world hubs

Gelderland, Netherlands
He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

you have to perform the coil glitch to reach it though and you have to use like two potions i think to jump back with the coil to the world hubs

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