Wonder Tower not loading.
1 year ago
United States

I just lost over a minute on my PB to the top of wonder tower not loading. Is there any way to fix it besides reloading to the observation deck, or prevent it from happening?

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago

What category?

If you're running Any% and doing Protocol 10 skip, you probably missed a step. One of the tutorials should cover it, but in short, don't glide after the second freeze grenade climb, and make sure you throw at least 57 for the last one.

If you're running Glitchless, this is a thing that can happen, but it's pretty rare, I don't think we know why or how exactly to avoid it.

United States

I was running glitchless, so that's a little sad. Thanks anyway for the advice. and great GDQ run.

United States

This happens to me all the time practicing NG+.

गेम विवरण
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