Whens Champion?
6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

So when is Become Champion going to be added? I have a 3 player pre-made squad run with all 3 feeds in a single vod sub 20m IGT and Sub 1:30 RTA.

Curious about that, since myself and my speedmates did the run for a marathon, and have been playing together for awhile now.

Ontario, Canada

Here is the video highlight of the RTA runs for the win. The Run that was the win was at the very end which is 19 mins and 57 seconds.

Ontario, Canada

I'm not sure if you guys are ignoring the posts or not but this is a legitimate question in regards to premade team runs on the actual main game modes? Has this even been considered yet since the first post nearly 2 months ago?

Alberta, Canada

Personally I didn’t make the decision not had anything to really do with it, but we ultimatley decided to not add champion to runs, combined with the fact that our only mod that can manage categories has gone MIA on both speedrun.com and discord. Apologies for the late response. I’m going to try to keep up with everything a lot more after exams are done. :)


as said by spicy i dont believe anyone but pigpeneral can edit the categories, and the reasoning it was not added and will most likely not be added is " Because if a popular streamer wanted to they could flood a server get everyone to kill themselves then win instantly then the category is over Multiplayer speedruns never go good if it requires outside players" multiplayer speedruns can be really easy to rig and not fair as it requires too many unknown variables

Ontario, Canada

Understandable based on the outside influences on legitimacy of tracked runs in terms of accountability to speedrunning. Tho even regular mods should all have the same permissions to maintain boards should a Super go MIA. Also if the Super being MIA is an issue I would suggest replacing them or getting someone else appointed that is more available to maintain the boards.

Back to the subject on topic tho. While I there would be things to deal with for verification it should be relatively easy to filter out real submissions from cheated or other wise illegitimate runs in a competitive fashion. I'd love for there to be more activity with this games boards and I'd more of a reason to participate but there is just not much interesting with this game outside its roots which at this moment is being completely dismissed or ignored, At least that is my opinion and take it how you will.

Perhaps its something to think about down the road or not but I did want to raise my interest in this. I do allot of stuff these days between speedrunning and working with events and or people so I've gotten to experience a good amount of community interaction and have been actively involved and still am in a good number of communities be it runner or mod myself sometimes just a knowledgeable friend to communities.

Anyways hope things get sorted out for you folks. Sorry for my late replay I was busy with and away for a whole week at a Live marathon.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 5 years ago
Alberta, Canada

All good man, it's probably been pretty busy for everyone around this time haha

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All Green Nessies Category Update

Hey, the new patch (link: ) came with a Pathfinder nerf, and since he was the main competitive legend for the All Green Nessies category, we decided to create a fresh leaderboard for it so it's fair for all new runs.

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