Hub Storage and key rebinding
8 years ago
Utah, USA

So, I've been trying to do hub storage unbuffered, but was having issues firing enough cubes (probably because my mouse isn't free-wheel.) However, today I was messing around with my key bindings and found that I could use Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollDown",Command="StartFire | StopFire | StartFire | StopFire | StartFire | StopFire",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False) to make the gun fire 3 times on a single downclick. Is this kind of keybinding allowed? It allows me to do hub storage unbuffered, so I'd like it to be, but if it's not, I'll find another way.

United States

No, you can only have one binding per-key. You're not allowed to set multiple bindings like that. That would be the same thing as making a macro for it, which is also disallowed.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 years ago
Utah, USA

Ok. Any suggestions on how i can fire enough cubes besides dismantling my mouse?

Also, is it okay if I left it as just "StartFire|StopFire"?

United States

[quote="khmarican"]Any suggestions on how i can fire enough cubes besides dismantling my mouse?[/quote] It is possible to do HS without a freescroll mouse. Most people are doing it without, it's just harder to do unbuffered/lagless without one. I do recommend just using lag to buffer it if you want to do HS, at least to learn the timing for initially, and then moving on to trying to do unbuffered later, once you're better at scrolling like mad.

You can bind both scroll up and scroll down to fire, so you can scroll up/down/up/down, instead of scrolling down, moving your finger to the top of the scrollwheel, and then scrolling again.

[quote="khmarican"]Also, is it okay if I left it as just "StartFire|StopFire"?[/quote] No, that is also double-bound. You're only allowed to have one button for each single action. You have to use "GBA_Fire" for the command (as it does in the bind fire to scrollwheel section of the config guide), you can't use Start/StopFire.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 years ago
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