Curse of Darkness/Settings?
7 years ago

At the linked time stamp, there is a curse of darkness floor with no effect. Can anyone explain how that happens/what settings accomplish that?

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago

Thanks for the quick answer.

Funnily enough, I found exactly that thread just earlier, trying to speed up reset times. For whatever reason, adding that options file mentioned that is supposed to make things better makes things worse for me, drastically increasing reset times. Will try just the lighting setting.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago

From my experience(I am using this file since rebirth), those are the best settings in terms of fps:

[Options] EnableColorCorrection=1 EnableCaustics=0 EnableShockwave=0 EnableLighting=0 EnableFilter=0 EnablePixelation=0 EnableBloom=0 EnableWaterSurface=0

You can try disabling color correction too, but from I can tell it doesn't boost performance, and only makes game darker. Also lighting settings increased performance the most for me.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago

i have bad pc and using low quality options. also ofc i'm cheater.

Cyber_1 और thisguyisbarry इसे पसंद करें

That's a completely uncalled for response, but I'm not expecting anything else at this point. Self-Victimization in a purely factual topic, really?

Thanks to the people that gave advice. I messed around with the settings a bunch yesterday. The options that at first slowed down the reset times hard actually ended up speeding up the game by like a factor 2 on a second try, speeding up the IGT too. Something I did notice in the past and noticed again is that reset times just seem to differ between PCs/runners, no matter what settings you try. For example, death has very fast resets, the game itself is running at normal speed though.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Isle of Man

Resets are dependent on PC. If your CPU is slow, the RNG mechanisms that are required to create the seed and generate layouts etc are going to generate slower. I doubt playing off SSD/HDD at this point is an issue since Isaac itself loads everything into memory at boot. You can attempt to analyze CPU/Memory while resetting. I know a couple of people had played around with some settings to make the game speed up/slow down but I don't remember the settings. If resets are the only issue you're seeing, then it's more than likely due to the CPU power needed to generate all relevant things at the start of a run. Do you notice that your game also doesn't start as fast from the character select screen? I doubt there is much that can be done if that is slow.

On a side note, Tyrone had mentioned that one of the reasons the PS4/Wii U/3DS doesn't have a reset mechanic was due to the processing power needed that the consoles didn't have, so they excluded it.

Lobsterosity इसे पसंद करता है

Pibo, I believe that option that you touched is interpolation, I don't exactly know what it does, but it varies depending on pc, for me it makes game run twice as fast, for Zamiel it slowed it down. It's better to either leave it at 1, or just don't include line in a file, does esentially the same thing :P

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