You have to start recording from the main menu to ensure you're using correct version for the run.
Rules are applied for each category and version. Here is how to follow them strictly and suggest your thoughts and propositions.
Carefully read the rules of each run. For example, not looking at the signs to popup info in tutorial runs will not be counted as a finished run! Which is strict nuance to take into account. Other ones may provide you more efficient timings, so bear in mind.
Later on (on community develop) it will require splits from LiveSplits software to standardize runs (it's hard for mods to count milliseconds without it while YT provides whole seconds only)
Runs starting ONLY when you move your camera OR position (the first frame of it). So you can wait when your game fully loads on start (which is different for different systems). That step is taken to prevent inconsistencies and advantages for players with better PC.
DO NOT CHEAT lol (i'm not joking...) Punishment for avoiding that rule is one month of run verification denial. Cheating states for: || game code modifications || speeding up the video of your run || using Tool Assisted Speedrunning (TAS) ||
Breaking category rules will not lead to a punishment.
Spamming and acting deviantly overall on forums gets you banned from VOTV speedrunning community on this site. (can be appealed at my discord by the topic link below).
Official MrDrNose (VotV dev) discord channel: https://discord.com/invite/WKBvqu4tjV
My speedrunning topic inside it (also a way to contact me - wiirar): https://discord.com/channels/512287844258021376/1296754151237357568/1296754151237357568