Couple Things
6 months ago
New Mexico, USA

Hey everyone. It's been a crazy first day of this board. I was not expecting this many runs this fast haha. Just a couple of things to point out for people as we continue on running:

  1. When you submit, please only submit under In-Game Time. Leave the Time section blank, this will just make my life much easier.

  2. It seems that private matches are back up and running, so from this point on, I will enforce the private matches only rule. Runs done in public matches will be rejected. Any public matches on the boards now are fine.

NaFNYouTube, Red_Nova और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

Hey! if you ever need a hand with running things. Id love to be a mod. i live ea so it would make submitting runs way easier.

^^^ I'd be down too, I've been having lots of fun with the mode so far so I wouldn't mind helping with verification.

United States

Same here! i'd love to help out and would love to verify other runs!

United Kingdom

I'm assuming private matches in party are also rejected?

गेम विवरण
Rocket Racing
SRC Series: Rocket Racing Expert Tracks
समाप्त हुआ
4 months ago
पुरस्कार धन कोष
ताज़ा समाचार
Leaderboard Update

With the change to old speed being restored, all season 0 runs are being unarchived. Please be patient as we update the boards. Some items may disappear temporarily.

1 month ago
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