Timer's for Runs?
6 years ago
Washington, USA

This post is not to knock anyone, but more curious about the rules vs what videos get approved. Our top two runs don't have timers. Looking at the rules it shows that it is required to have a timer on screen (I prefer to have one so that I can compare). If we are to hope that this game gets more runners like Kanis helped bring up at SGDQ (which was awesome!), we should be consistent with updated rules whether there is a timer or not.

United States

Yeah, I think I'm going to just change it. I believe having it on screen was a convenience thing for the people verifying the run, but as someone who verifies runs I don't mind checking myself. Let me know if anyone has a good reason not to make this change. Idk how useful the 'show the main menu' rule is either. Technically my SGDQ run violates that rule.

P.S. Cman JTB, submit the real wr lol. It's 1:51 now.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
ShuriBear इसे पसंद करता है
Ontario, Canada

jtb is too old for livesplit :p

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
DigitalT इसे पसंद करता है
Ontario, Canada

To go with the ingame timer rule, you'd need to add the arbitrary rule of no saving, since I've confirmed the timer does pause in the save menu.

Also I'd like to add mandatory showing of the karma points windows since I've discovered that people will actually splice runs (well, bigalski pointed it out) XD

With showing karma points, it's easy to see if there have been splicing between fights and chapter ends since the people on ngrealm know all the point calculations for every single fight.

At least the spliced video is only a no damage run - *bbcode doesn't allow embedding with timestamp

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
United States

Oh I wasn't under the impression this conversation was about using IGT. I still want to use RTA. It's just you can easily calculate that by going to the start and end of run timestamps in the video. I've used that to double check all my pb's regardless of what livesplit says.

Karma window is a good idea imo. But you should be given time to turn it on, and I don't think run should be disqualified if you were to turn it off for a few seconds by accident.

United States

Not allowing saving might be too harsh for anyone new, as a deathless run is surely a daunting task for some players. One thing we might be able to do though is have an extra field on the leaderboard for IGT, so you could clearly see both types of time on the board for people to use whichever they prefer.

Ontario, Canada

As long as the karma window is up before any black screen/end of chapter transitions. Something like

  • Karma window must be up before end of chapter transitions

[quote=Kanis99]Let me know if anyone has a good reason not to make this change[/quote] This gave me the impression that you wanted to able to add jtb's runs without going to the hassle of adding the onscreen timer.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
United States

Yeah that's true per jtb's runs but I'd still use RTA by frame counting from the run start and end time. Gonna wait for him to submit regardless, he's going to go for pb attempts this weekend.

We can def make the karma window thing a rule, but wouldn't enforce it on any pre-existing run as it could invalidate them

Ontario, Canada

jtb's stream schedule is approximately 1 stream every few months >:D

United States

Lol yea I imagine it'll be offline attempts. But the man's got worms again so shit's going down.

Nottinghamshire, England

Hey all, my new run should be up later today. I don't know if I'll have time to do commentary though but there is tons on my list of things to rethink. This was the first run I've done on the Xbox One and load times seemed the same to me for what it's worth if anyone is wondering.

This was the first run I did with zero scarabs since my 1 hour 46min run and it's made me rethink them completely. I'm going to have a few more attempts without them just to see how it pans out, some my chapter best times are still significantly faster with picking them up so it could just be one of those risks you either chose to take or not. At the end of it all movement and combat times are still the biggest impact on your time but I am curious to see how it will go leaving them behind for a few runs.

I think I've posted before about the benefits of the karma window being on display but if you want something to replace the on screen timer than I think it's a perfect choice. There is absolutely zero reason to turn it off and every reason to keep it on so if that's made a rule I think that's great.

Kanis999 इसे पसंद करता है
Ontario, Canada

The Xbox One version is great but I think the backwards compatibility emulator got patched or something. My ninpo drops have been awful lately. Also the fireworm room softlock is still there from xbox 360. Where the game will sometimes freeze on a loading screen from either the chest or door if you run thru the tunnel too fast.

Victoria, Australia

there is a reason to turn off the karma window at a very specific point later on in the run, being the second time you do the pill bug room after awakened alma, and it doesn't give you a fight timer/killcounts/etc. because that's the second time you've done that fight or whatever. I generally turn it off, because the hit counter generally tells me how many I've killed with each attack, allowing me to know how much essence I want to absorb before charging another UT. optimally I guess it wouldn't really matter since you shouldn't need much essence before the final shop for any reason other than to buy recovery items, but I figured it was worth mentioning.

EDIT: Also helps me know how many spawns I can wait for if I want to try to go for full room clears and such, since I generally judge that based off of audio, and I don't even really know how many can be in the room at once. I know you can also just look at how many you've hit, but I'm bad at judging that sort of thing, and sometimes you'll kill with the very edge of your hitbox and not realise it. Idk I guess it's a very minor thing, and if it was made a set in stone rule that the karma window had to be on absolutely everywhere, of course I'd just leave it on for that, but it'd be a minor nuisance to me.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
United States

As mentioned in another thread, I'm now against karma window rule because it isn't open by default, meaning there's a grey area of by when you should have it opened, and can be closed by accident (it happened to me in my newest pb), and there are plenty of other ways to detect splicing. If you aren't using it to know when to cast fire wheels vs the 2nd emperor form however, you'd best get on that.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
Victoria, Australia

oh there's a way to use it for that? huh, is there a video or a forum or something I can head to, to read up on that?

United States

Just something I came up with on my own. There is some randomness to when the big head comes down, but if you cast your 2nd fire wheels when the karma window says ~84 seconds, that seems most likely to have you setup for a good gleaming blade UT when the big head comes down.

Victoria, Australia

and I'm guessing that's without celerity? Since you're against scarabs? Cheers.

Ontario, Canada

All the cool kids are in the No Scarabs club these days :p

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