Mod list:
Plugin: "ModLister" Version: "0.0.1" GUID: "Ccode.ModLister"
Plugin: "ShipLoot" Version: "1.1" GUID: "com.github.tinyhoot.ShipLoot"
Plugin: "BrutalCompanyMinus" Version: "0.10.12" GUID: "Drinkable.BrutalCompanyMinus"
Plugin: "LCSeedPicker" Version: "1.2.1" GUID: "LCSeedPicker"
Plugin: "HealthMetrics" Version: "1.0.0" GUID: "Matsuura.HealthMetrics"
Plugin: "MoreCompany" Version: "1.8.1" GUID: "me.swipez.melonloader.morecompany"
Plugin: "RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator" Version: "0.2.5" GUID: "NicholaScott.BepInEx.RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator"
Plugin: "MoreEmotes-Sligili" Version: "1.3.3" GUID: "MoreEmotes"
Plugin: "MoreItems" Version: "1.0.2" GUID: "MoreItems"
Plugin: "Yippee tbh mod" Version: "1.2.4" GUID: "sunnobunno.YippeeMod"
Plugin: "PathfindingLagFix" Version: "1.2.1" GUID: "Zaggy1024.PathfindingLagFix"
![दूसरी जगह](/images/2nd.png)
Hey mod fans!
We've been working on few changes here, and we are ready to say that these are done. List of all changes are below;
- From now on, players are allowed to use QoL/reskin mods that are not listed in [this document](