New Leaderboard Categories
3 days ago
United States
सुपर मॉडरेटरdelphara
She/Her, They/Them
3 days ago

Finally back in town and was able to do the leaderboard rework everyone has been asking for -- honestly I'm not a huge fan of how many categories there are now but I've been asked to do this by so many people.

All categories are now split up into 45/60 FPS, 60 FPS and Unrestricted FPS.

Glitchless now has a "No Top Grab" Option.

I already went ahead and recategorized every run that has been submitted to the boards to their proper leaderboard section.

jackp305live और dpatts इसे पसंद करें
United States
सुपर मॉडरेटरdelphara
She/Her, They/Them
3 days ago

Also some of the categories feel kind of useless (for instance there isn't really a reason to have a bunch of different "No Top Grab" FPS categories) but I couldnt find a better way to set the variables, if anyone has a better idea on how to split the categories up more realistically let me know.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 days ago
New York, USA

Can be cleaned up a bunch by making them filters instead of subcategories - either for FPS, top grabs, or both. I think the cleanest would be categories split between FPS, and make top grabs a filter so that they stay on the same leaderboard.

Also, what's the reasoning for separating out unrestricted FPS? Is it just so people have somewhere to submit runs without an FPS display? In any case, I feel like getting FPS down to 2 categories and/or top grabs to a filter instead of a switch option would clean up the leaderboard a ton.

UprightThumbs इसे पसंद करता है
Ohio, USA

I have to agree with @bobakanoosh55555 on this. I think a good reference would be the Breath of the Wild leaderboard. When it first released, amiibo and non-amiibo runs were separated on the leaderboards. After time the moderators concluded that the amiibo tabs were separating the leaderboards too much and it was then turned into a filter which, in my opinion, looks a lot cleaner. We get all the runs under one leaderboard and people can easily filter to "No Top Grabs" if they wished to see only those runs.

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