Timing and Rule Suggestion
5 months ago

While running I figured these were worth bringing up and should be implemented here

  1. At the end of every mission a 'Real-Time' is given. This is a suitable timer to use for Levels imo (Not 'Final-Time' as that doesn't count act attempts where you die)
  2. Full game runs should start first frame of gameplay after pressing start on the first mission (black screen with HUD elements) and should end first frame the 'Target Down' text appears on the final mission (the text flashes red for a frame) There should be no cuts/splices so the menu between missions is counted
  3. 'Display Time' should be enabled in the Video Settings and 'Show Score' should be set to 'Full' for verification purposes
LoxusArncadian इसे पसंद करता है
United States

I agree with all especially number 1, as using LiveSplit is kind of a pain and toggling the timer using a keybind is very annoying.

2nd rule is a bit wrong - time should end on "Mission Cleared" since on EU Yabai there are enemies that respawn constantly on boss levels. After killing the boss "Target Down" appears but the mission keeps going until we clear the level.

Laggy इसे पसंद करता है
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