"Full House%" Category?
3 months ago
United States

Sorry if this is not the right place for this, but I was wondering about the possibility of a new category for the "Double or Nothing" mode, where the objective is to get the "Full House" achievement (Use all items in a single turn in 'Double or Nothing') as fast as possible.

I was recording my attempts at it, because I thought it would look cool, and I ended up getting a pretty lucky and quick run. Here is my video: checking the general speedrun rules for this game, I timed my run with a stopwatch as best I could a few times, and I averaged a late 2:53; starting where the rules say to, and I decided to end time when the Steam achievement popped up.

It only took me about 2 hours of casual grinding to get this run, and there is definitely room for improvement: better shell loadout in the first round, getting only 1 adrenaline, not losing a charge on the expired medicine, generally clicking faster and more optimally than I did, etc.

Hopefully this is unique and interesting enough to become an official category :)

wasdwasdwasdwasd और Morph_Zmpq इसे पसंद करें
गेम विवरण
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